Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Lauren Ask's a Comic Book Nerd: The Flash

Superheros are back. They are in the movies and on tv. Superheros are fine by me. I liked Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. and meant to watch that arrow show on the cw but never got around to it. 
Now we have the Flash. From the trailer I'd watch it, I mean it's better than whatever Kim Kardashian is doing.  The trailer is good lots of explosions and such. Comic book lovers are dancing for joy right now finally their comic books have come to television. I just like seeing assholes getting put through windshields but I figured I should at least ask someone who actually follows superhero comics.  So I got his thoughts on the trailer.

Friday, May 2, 2014

I Hope You're Happy Poke-bank.

Congratulations everybody my sister wants me to write about this... this... thing. This is Avril Lavigne's "Hello Kitty" about... um... Well if you can figure it out then good for you it means that you're much more patient than I am. However I can sure as hell tell you there is no link to Hello Kitty, a beloved part of my childhood. I can make out maybe six words in this song the rest is wapanese or too screechy to decipher. What I got is that Avril is a secret fat kid who stole smarties and somebody threw a cupcake at her. Being this way she has no friends and thus begs her pet cat not to ever leave her. We all know the feeling. However if you were really expecting anything different from Avril then you are either an idiot or a snob. Sure this song fills your ears with the pleasant sounds comparable to two goats having sex in a dumpster, but is it really anything surprising for this singer? You get what you pay for people.
Besides I doubt Avril Lavigne much cares because this goat orgy is going to earn her another million. More interesting about this video are the allegations of racism

Yeah it seems that Avril's little Asian props that dance halfheartedly in the background have offended some civil rights pansies; the ones who are watching this crap instead of dealing with real civil rights problems. I can see how overly sensitive person might be offended by this masterpiece, but I don't think Avril Lavigne's intent was to be racist. It seems that she actually really likes Japan (like lots of Americans and Canadians too I guess since that's what Avril is. Sorry Canada we aren't claiming responsibility for this...) and in her enthusiasm for it she way overdid it. Watch the video on mute and play some Vivaldi in the background and it's sort of amusing in a can't-look-away-from-the-catastrophe way. You can even get some well timed awkward screenies of Avril here.
Now for a gift to Poke-Bank this is Avril and her now husband Nickleback singing a song together. I thought I'd do you a favor. I will say that it's better than Hello Kitty.  
Now I can get back to what I truly love. Making fun of the questionable fashion choices of TV law enforcement and medical personnel. The ladies run around in these adorable heeled boots and the gentlemen sport a lovely array of skinny jeans.  Doesn't seem to hinder them in chasing down rapists though.