Oh Tori what can I say this show is probably a horrible idea. Reality shows kill marriages, just ask the Real Ex-Wives of Beverly Hills/Orange County/LA or wherever else their filming that stupid show. For those of you that don't know both Dean and Tori were married when they met each other. After cheating on their respective spouses and suffering the fallout in the tabloids they divorced the unwanted spouses and married. Then for awhile it was all rainbows and sunshine they had a reality show that I didn't watch where they were happy and produced four adorable blond clones. Then all of a sudden KABOOM! The rumor mill starts chugging and we learn that Dean and Tori are broke and that Dean had an affair. So now being in dire straights Tori and Dean have agreed to allow the collapse of their marriage to be filmed for a lifetime reality show.

The show begins with horror movie music the gloomy kind of stuff you hear when a beloved character has been axed to death and now we're on our way to his funeral. We get three little pop-ups on screen informing us of what I already told you in the last paragraph. While the suspense music plays Tori tells the cameras how she misses Dean. She is mobbed a bunch of asshole paparazzi. Then we cut to Tori's monologue where tearfully explains that her marriage is a disaster and that she's determined to fix it. The piano plays and the title card flashes across the scene. This is lifetime after all, you have to cater to the melodramatic middle aged women crowd.

And finally the show seems to begin. For some reason the style of this thing reminds my of Intervention, that old A&E show about helping drug addicts. It has the same gloomy feel and also cuts to black to inform us of the grim details of Tori's life. We start out with a barefoot Tori sitting on a fancy leather couch giving an interview. Tori claims she wants the viewers to know the real her and not see her as the poor little rich girl. Then she addresses Dean's rumored affair, and acknowledges that it is true. Tori then goes on to bash the tabloids for getting her story wrong and she wants to give us her version.
Good let's get down to it. According to Tori she found out about her scumbag husband's affair through her publicist and jokingly asked him who he fucked in Toronto. Brilliant. It seems Dean brushed it off because it took another week and another phone call from the publicist saying that the girl had come forward and was going to give out all the details on her fancy two day pre-Christmas tumble with Dean in Toronto motel room behind his wife's back. Realizing that there might actually be something to this slut-bucket's store Tori says she confronted her husband outside their children's Christmas' recital, as you do. At first Dean denies the affair as most men do and tries to reassure Tori that he only cheats with her. He might have gotten away with it too but our sharp-eyed Tori noticed that his eyebrow was shaking.
"Why is your god damn eyebrow shaking Dean?"
is what I'd like to think she said to him. I take a minute to giggle into my 7-Up of all the signs that someone is lying I've never heard of the damned shaking eyebrow. Dean still denies the affair but Tori isn't having this shit. She say and I quote: "Well I've never seen your eyebrow shake before." She then tells him she knows that his hooker's name was Emily. Realizing he is defeated Dean sighs and acknowledges that yes there was an Emily. Still trying to save himself he claims they just kissed no sex, but the damage is done Tori is not an idiot and she knows that Dean fucked Emily.

Realizing that he was screwed, Dean gave in and confessed the details of his weekend affair with Emily to his wife. Whatever these details were they were sufficient enough for Tori to put his balls in a vice and march into rehab for his sex addictions. Though of course they don't say it that way, the official version is that Dean he went voluntarily but we all know that's most definitely not true. I like to think that Tori, filled with righteous indignation, grabbed her cheating loser husband by his shriveled testicles and marched his ass straight into rehab screaming all the way: "You're going to do this! Or I'm divorcing you and taking the kids and all your money!"
Tori assures us that she believes that shutting her pervert husband away in rehab was the best decision and she went on to take care of the children... at least when the nannies are sick.
We then cut to a scene where Tori is struggling with her children. They are all between the ages of 2 and maybe 7, what I like to call the screeching years. Tori complains that when Dean was around it was much easier to manager her kids but now she has to do it all alone. Somehow against all odds she gets all four of the blond clones dressed and safely stuffed away into her SUV ready to be shipped away to school.

As they are driving along one the two toddlers gets car sick and throws up on her brother's iPad. I feel for the little girl having horrible motion sickness myself, but more importantly what fucking kid has an iPad! God dammit when I was Liam's age I had to share a gameboy with my sister. No wonder these people are in debt they bought their 7-year-old an iPad. Liam is understandably devastated by the damaged his pukey little sister has done to his iPad and while Tori is trying clean the little girl up, Liam whines for his mother save his iPad. It's good to see the famous or not all siblings fucking hate each other.

Despite the baby puke and ruined iPad Tori manages to drop her two older kids off at school and bring the two younger ones home to take a nap. Which gives her time for a scripted gossip session with her gay best friend Mehran. Mehran, I have never heard that name before and I have no idea how you would pronounce it. Tori unburdens her problems to Mehran and what can I say. Mehran seems to be a genuinely nice guy, he is supportive of her and reassures her that Dean's sexploits are not her fault. It's too bad Mehran is gay because he seems like a helluva better husband than Dean.
After having her heart-to-heart with Mehran, Tori meets up with two of her other friends, Jess and Kate, at a fabric store and we get their opinions on the situation. Kate sees dean for the cheating bastard that he is and wants Tori to move on while Jess seems to be more supportive of her trying to make the marriage work. While they are goofing around with fabric Tori gets a text from Dean
The censored bit is apparently a person's name and not a curse word. Though for hilarity I like to think it's saying: "I'm having a really hard time even looking at cock." But all immaturity aside this text upsets Tori and her friends and they don't know who censored is. This does not bode well for the future of Tori's marriage.
Regardless of whoever this person is Tori decides she has go on with her life and she picks up her two oldest kids to get a pedicure.
Next stop is a visit to Mehran to discuss the text. Apparently it was a text to another person that she accidentally got, sucks when that happens eh? Then we get a humorous interlude where two of Tori's horny dogs start humping each other in the kitchen. Gotta love your pets.
Tori tries to call Dean so he can talk to there kids but the phone gets disconnected and when she calls back he doesn't pick up. Such a wonderful father. I just sit here being grateful that at least when I called my father he would pick up the fucking phone and talk to me.

After all this boring fluffy crap we are finally there to the part I wanted to see. Tori, with asshole paparazzi at her heels manages to sneak away into Dean's rehab center for a visit. The facility and the doctors wisely choose the don't want be involved with this travesty so their faces and logo are all blurred out. Suspense music plays and series of black screens flash across explaining the myriad of problems afflicting Tori's beloved. The most interesting of which is Dean's alter-ego, whom he dubs 'Deano'. As the cherry cola spouts from my nose and I choke on my own laughter I feel a slight pain of guilt that I'm so much amusement from this poor mans psychological problems. Mental health issues are not a joke but dammit couldn't you give your alter ego a better name than 'Deano'. I mean Christ I'd call mine something badass like Nutcracker or Ball Chopper.
Dean describes his 'Deano' as a mover shaker douchebag which makes me smile. Tori admits that she's seen Dean's Deano-like behavior before. Dean pledges that he'll get better for Tori, Deano, and their family. Tori tells him she's heard this song and dance before.
Dean then says that he's sorry, and tries to make her believe he's being genuine. Tori isn't sure she buys it. Dean then takes Tori on a tour of his rehab digs and makes sure she notices that he put up pictures of their children to guilt her into taking him back. Dean then pleads to come home but Tori stands her ground and lets him know she's done with his bullshit. Tori leaves without having accomplishing much anything. Tori goes home and discusses Dean's proposal with her friends. They agree that it's not right for Dean to come back.
The show ends with Tori in tears wondering if she can make it work with her loser husband. It's sad and really shouldn't be something filmed for reality tv.