Thursday, April 24, 2014

24 Live Another Day : My Thoughts

I am excited for this.  As you know I go from reviewing ridiculous crap like Teen Mom to reviewing good shows like Game of Thrones. Anyways I thought I'd update you all on my plans.  I plan on reviewing 24 Live Another Day in my snarkastic style of course. I'm genuinely excited for this show. 24 was one of the best suspense shows on television. It had it's stupid moments and it probably could have toned down the torture scenes but it was well written and I never knew what was going to happen next. I know I'm sort of late to the game but here are my thoughts on the trailer, which you can watch courtesy of YouTube. 
The trailer is great it play suspense music and tells us that Jack Bauer is a dangerous man. As you recall from the series finale of 24 Jack got killed a couple of Russian diplomats and got put on Putin's shit list. First off we get the usual spiel about how Jack is a true American hero yada yada I don't care. Then it gets interesting we  are informed that Jack is in London at the same time as the President. The President happens to be James Heller the father of Jack's former love interest Audrey. We are informed that the plot will revolve around an assassination attempt on President Heller. 
We get a shot of Chloe O'Brian who is sporting the Lisbeth Salander look. It's fucking ridiculous and I hope that they drop it mid season. Jack tells Chloe that if an American President is assassinated on foreign soil we're looking at World War III. Then we get a couple of shots of Audrey Raines and her knew husband to let us know that there will be an annoying romantic subplot this season. Then we get brief little cliplets of protesters, a terrorist, Jack being tortured and the trailer ends with Jack saying: "There's no going back for me."
Overall I'm totally excited for this show and can't wait, why does it have to premiere in May I want my 24 right now. It looks like it's going to be fantastic and I'm excited to watch. 

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